Commercial Checking

Our commercial checking products are reliable, convenient, and inexpensive. We also offer check imaging, the latest technological advance which provides your commercial checks neatly sorted in check number order, ready to file. We will also provide a binder for your statements.

You may use the Bank by Phone or MSB Online for round-the-clock balance, rate, and transfer merchant account services.

Be assured that we have a product to suit your commercial needs.

Regular Checking This account is designed to give you unlimited check writing ability with a straight-forward fee schedule.
Commercial Accounts can be opened with an initial deposit of $200.
These checking accounts are analyzed each month to determine if a service charge will be assessed. This analysis considers the average balance maintained in the account and the level of activity occurring in the account. Specific prices utilized in the analysis include:
Monthly Service Fee $7.50
Check or Debit $0.10
Deposit or Credit $0.25
Item Deposited $0.06
Each month, an earnings credit is calculated and compared to the fees accrued on the account. If the earnings credit is more than the accrued fees, no service charge is assessed. If the earnings credit is less than the accrued fees, the deficit is charged to the account. The amount of the earnings credit is determined by applying an earnings credit rate to the average account balance for the month, less a deduction for our reserve requirement.
The earnings credit rate is based on the average of the 90-Day Treasury Bill rate for the current month.
Accrued fees for the month include charges for account maintenance, transaction activity, and FDIC insurance.

Checking with Interest

This account bears interest at current market rates and is available, by law, only to sole proprietorships and certain non-profit organizations.
Account can be opened with an initial deposit of $200.
The monthly service charge is computed as follows:
Monthly Service Fee, based on Minimum Daily Balance of:
$5,000.00 or more No Charge
Less than $5,000.00 $10.00 plus per item fees
  Check or Debit $0.10
  Deposit or Credit $0.25
  Item Deposited $0.06